go Mia, go Mia, go Mia...
Mia beat me by two points (pins). i will have to practice before my next meeting with Mike, Nick and Mia. it was the best time i've ever had coming in 4th place.
back at Mike's house...
Tony is more a lover than a fighter but this was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to play with a real Rock em Sock em Robot.

while i played with the kids, Mike cooked dinner. it was my first home-cooked meal
of this year (other than my usual soup and sandwich meals) which turned out to be the first of two for this week as my good friend Steve invited me to dinner last night with his kids, Brandon and Taylor. here is Mia counting to ten before saying "grace" at the dinner table while Julie looks on in amazement.
after a nice afternoon and evening with Mike and Family, we all piled back into the mini-van and drove back to my Tampa hotel. but first, crocs gone wild...