if, if, if i feel 100 percent better, i may try to leave on friday to catch the last day of the festival. more than likely i will stay home or close to home and rest. Justo Almario is playing at LACMA on friday night. and there should be some kind of Cinco de Mayo event this weekend even though it is only the Tres and Cuatro de Mayo. Noriko has two much-sought-after tickets to see her beloved Kobukuro (see March 14th posting) on the 14th so i would like to accompany her to that sure-to-be excellent/brilliant/memorable concert at Osaka-jo Hall which is next to Osaka-jo (castle).

officially i do not have to work until the 17th of May but that may change to the 19th.
so where i have been since my last post...Philadelphia, back to LA, Philadelphia (slept in airport crew room), Las vegas, Philadelphia (once again slept in crew room) and back home to LA on monday the 28th. i walked to the clinic on monday after a long night and flight home...my cough actually caused a passenger to move to another seat. and since being told that my cough that if you remember starting way back on the 9th of April (check April 11th post) was not just a simple cough, i have been trying to stay inside. today i ventured out to walk a few errands...dry cleaning, market, post office and haircut. now i will be content to watch the Celtics and Hawks at The Garden in game 5 on tv. and update my blog. i will find some photos to add later. i still have hundreds and hundreds of photos that i would like to share from Japan. and i have some new nice ones from the Chester, PA area and from Las Vegas.

time to say goodbye to April, my cough and...
(if you make it all the way thru the video clip, try to listen to the comments of a guy standing near but not too near to me... kind of funny).