i met two of my neighbors, Roberto and Daniel. in the 10 years that i have lived here, i have never seen them at the beach. yesterday i saw Roberto as i was about to walk home from the beach so he gave me a ride. and then today i see both of them again. they were on their way to the pier and back. as i was walking back home from Ralph's a motorcycle rider waved at me as he was parking his Lifeguard truck-yellow Kawasaki in front of Starbucks. i could not see thru his helmet and gear but it turned out to be Sean, another neighbor who shares a bulldog with his ex-girlfriend. more later. here is a couple of photos from this morning's walk to and from the beach.

sunday morning shadow

this reminds of the runner's advice i saw on a trail in the Presidio in San Francisco:
"start slow and then taper off"

yes, there is autumn colors in Torrance

looks like a winter day. hard to believe how sunny and warm it was 20 minutes away (to the east)

one of my favorite ocean scenes. . . pelicans flying along the crest of the waves.
and of course, that green.

Daniel, Roberto and me (in Roberto's sunglasses)

Sean in front of Starbucks. nice yellow, nice bike.

not sure what this was for but i like the way it looked.
what a difference 20 minutes can make as well as one week. here a few photos from last sunday in Minoo (northern suburb of Osaka).

a teahouse near the trail to the waterfall (on the other side of the stream next to the Philosopher's library across the bridge from Yamamoto's kisaten/cafe/coffee shop).

3 small falls on the way to the bigger Minoo waterfall

Minoo Taki