another wonderful Kobukuro concert. here are a few images from today with explanations to follow.
now it is time to fall asleep

ah, a Super Fine Sunday (FM802 reference), but it really is a beautiful sunday morning. and it is the second stadium concert day for Kobukuro here in Osaka. the difference is . . . i get to go today with Noriko. we are meeting a friend of hers who came all the way from Yokohama for yesterday`s and today`s concert. it is complicated but somehow i will exchange tickets with Noriko`s friend`s friend so i can enjoy the concert with Noriko. the whole ticket purchasing thing is hard to explain/hard to understand but it has to do with keeping "scalpers" away from purchasing tickets and re-selling them. i even have to show identification just to get my ticket before i can trade with Noriko`s friend`s friend. hopefully all will go smoothly here at home for Noriko`s Mother. yesterday i stayed home to help with her Father as well as a nurse coming by and a "helper-san". everything went fairly smoothly. i think a neighbor friend will stop by to help until the nurse and "helper-san" arrives in the evening. i have not mentioned much about Noriko`s Father and i have put no photos in my blog of him but . . . he is the biggest part of every day here.