these two guys thought there was enough wind
but they called it a day after only about 5 minutes
in the water. they seemed to be having fun floating/
being dragged across the sand. or at least the one guy did as the
other guy tried to prepare his kite and board.
a beach volleyball net... no games were scheduled today... as if beach volleyball games should
ever have a schedule.
after i got home and was having dinner (soup and a sandwich), i almost fell
asleep in my soup. i had stayed up late watching a Japanese drama and then got up early to listen to my new favorite radio show on the internet from Scotland. i had good intentions of taking a nap today but choose to call my Mother and then go for a walk at the beach. and then i remembered my little friend named Daigo in Kobe, Japan.
i found this video i took of him last year. so cute! i miss him and hope to see him in April
during cherry blossom season.
i still haven't found the receipt for my airport parking pass that i have been looking for
for over a week but i did find this receipt and photo of my good friend Steve and i from January 28th, 1995.
i can tell you exactly where i was 13 years 1 of climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro.
this is the receipt for the cabin we stayed in the night before our hike.