today is almost over and i think it is still raining. if all goes well, i will be on the flight to NRT from ITM and then on to LAX arriving several hours before i actually left. the word in Japanese for frog is "kaeru" and the word "to return home" is kaeru. for the last couple of days i have heard some frogs singing/croaking or in Japanese "gero gero"-ing. yesterday i finally found one as i saw it jump from the wall/fence between Noroiko`s home and the neighbors. "tobu" in Japanese means to jump but it also means to fly. perhaps because of my job, when i hear the word "tobu" or "tonde iru", i think of "flying". well, tonite Noriko screamed out from somewhere downstairs "KEVIN KAERU!". hmmm, she could either being telling me to "go home" or that there was a frog somewhere close to her. there was in fact a small frog in the "genkan" (front entrance of the house).
i saw it and i said i need to get my camera before i catch and release it. as i was running back upstairs i hear "tonde iru". so, my first thought was that is was flying. Noriko meant that it jumped. it took a few trys to catch it in a plastic bag but i finally caught it and let it go outside where it flew away into the garden.