i found this this morning while trying to find information on the Japanese poet, Shinmin Sakumura. somehow it is all connected.
Buddhism has a a teaching called "7 ways to give without having a fortune" which teaches everyone can give 7 things and plant seeds of happiness even without having a large sum of money. these are the 7 ways from the Zohozokyo (a Buddhist scripture):
1. a kind look
2. deal with others with a loving smile
3. warm words
4. use your body to serve others
5. have a considerate heart
6. give your seat to others
7. let others stay at your home

at the market
and on the way back from my walk i found this
there was a new Vinyl Cafe this morning which featured a new Dave story. Stuart also had two musical guests. Jill Barber, i had never heard of but she is an excellent award-winning singer up in Canada. and the other was Dan Hill. not sure if i knew he was Canadian but i did learn some things about him after he sang his classic "sometimes when we touch" and before he sang a beautiful song about his Father. if you look at his webpage you can see him singing "My Father's son". you can also see how his hairstyle has changed. his voice is still the same.

the rain stopped