happy birthday greetings today (yesterday there) to Maekawa Otosan. 81! see you soon. さいているさくらときのめえ、わたしがきます。

this little video is not the best quality but i hope you can feel some of the beauty of the cherry blossoms. some Minoo senior citizens were there that day for ohanami. i took this video on my first digital camera (the Polaroid one) last year in Minoo. i found it today looking for some photos of Maekawa Otosan. i added some music to it. i have been putting together a "mixed tape" (cd) of springs songs. this song is called Spring the Summer Long by Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham...a little bit of Scotland in Japan. and you wonder what i do all day : ) i did go to the gym, grocery store and bank too. it rained a little and there were some beautiful puffy white clouds along with the ominous dark rain clouds.
Cherry Blossom Memories April 2008

looks like rain. and a nice day.

my bus driver today had a sense of humor.