there were several interesting events to chose from today but . . . at least we heard about 10 minutes of some lovely flute music in a little park along the trail to the waterfall . . . and 25 minutes of some excellent jazz music at the Minoo Takey FM "thank you" concert. i am still not sure where the rest of the day went. well, that`s not exactly true. i know it has to do with the preparation of breakfast, preparing food for dinner, grocery shopping, preparing lunch and preparing dinner. and that takes us up to 6pm. Noriko and i did walk to Ryuanji (temple) on the waterfall trail for a lottery. but, we were late. and then lottery "tickets" were sold out. we did see some of the ceremony. the waterfall trail was once again very crowded today (see last year`s blog entry for about the 23rd of November). i am sure it will be even more crowded this next week as the fall colors are still slowly appearing. it is almost time for dinner.