if all goes well (another snowstorm back east), i will be at the "commuter" hotel in Philly (actually Chester) this time tomorrow. i plan to be home at least by the evening of the 8th if not sooner. on the 9th is my next dental appointment. my 4-day trip (for work) doesn't start until sunday afternoon but the early early flight tomorrow morning has about 80 seats open, and that's a good thing. of course, that will mean catching the bus around...445a. time to start packing my suitcase. i did make it to the gym today but no walk to the beach. the clouds have returned and rain is expected. hopefully, it will either rain before or after my early morning walk to the bus stop. here are a few photos from today. i missed my bus by 30 seconds so i started walking. the first three photos were taken while walking to and waiting on the next bus to the gym.

me and Tan-chan
? (shopping cart)
not sure (why these were tied to the side of empty building)
hanagasa (flower umbrella)
back by popular demand . . . one of my favorite flower models, the tsuyukusa with friends
scare-dy cat. and yes, i tried to get close enough to take a photo with the tsuyukusa i was carrying.