in case you cannot see (or read) today`s title . . . smiles are free. it is written on a small poster that Noriko got with her Happy Set-o meal the other day. she was getting the Zenmai Zamurai omocha (toy) for my collection. i taped it up on the door between our rooms as a welcome- home-from-your-first-day-back-at-school greeting. our day at home was uneventful. i did help the Helper-san (care-giver) and the Kangoshi-san (nurse) as well as took a few sakura photos at the Taishun-ji (temple) on my way to drop off some takenoko (bamboo shoots) at Yoshimoto-san house on my way to 7-11 to get a sandwich for Noriko`s Mother and i for lunch. here is one of those photos. now that Noriko has returned from school, i will go for a little walk. my destination is once again the row of cherry blossom trees below the Minoo Hospital. will i make it or will the journey be the destination again.

the way i saw it (on the bus with the help of my camera)