today and not today. here and not here. now and zen.

late afternoon sun. what was she listening to? where was she going? or where was she coming back from?

i started watching a new Japanese drama today called Kouri no Sekai (Ice World). it is going to be a good mystery featuring the beautiful and talented Matsushima Nanako and the handsome and talented Takenouchi Yutaka. i wasn't sure how old this drama was until i saw Takenouchi-san pulled out the antenna on his keitai (cell phone). i found out this drama first aired in 1999. on sunday i watched a very good movie called O-tonari which was about a photographer and flower arranger. very good. sometime last week i finished the drama called Arifureta Kiseki (Ordinary Miracle) and highly recommend it. i think you are now up to date with my Japanese dorama (dramas). well, how could i forget the one i am watching currently. it is airs in Japan on tuesday night. and thanks to the kind person who uploads it to the internet with subtitles within a day or two. episodes 1 thru 5 have been very entertaining. it is strange to see Kanno Miho as an evil person . . . she is a mecha kawaii but chotto kowai (very cute but a little scary) in Guilty.
at one with your inner drop (and no, the image is not turned sideways)