don't have time to put alot of photos on as i need to get ready to go back to the hotel and then to the airport. tonite i will be in Las Vegas. if you check back next week there will be some nice photos from Holland, San Francisco and Las Vegas. here are a few from Holland and at the bottom of this post is some photos from this morning's walk to the beach. merry christmas eve.

if it looks like fun . . . it was

this morning's photos . . .

morning sunstar, leftover rainstorm raindrops and a prism-ish rainbow of colors

before returning home this morning, i went for a walk to the beach from the hotel . . . it was like being on an "overnight". and then my good luck continued as i ran into a neighbor at Trader Joe's and he gave me a ride back to the hotel to get my things and then drove me home. later another nice neighbor will give me a ride back to the hotel. thank you Chris and Christine.