my first bike adventure was my "big bike ride north" in 1992. if you remember i rode for about one month up to Hokkaido and back to where i was staying in Ibaraki-ken. i believe the above photo was on the last day of my trip which means this might have been somewhere along the now devastated east coast of Japan in Fukushima prefecture. i don't talk much about that trip anymore but i do remember it as one of my best trips for many reasons. and one of the biggest reasons was that i could have written each day about the kindness i received on every day of my ride from the people of Japan.
i didn't stray far from my front door today but i will be about 5700 miles (9200 kilometers) away soon. i did find some images from last September as i was "clearing" "freeing up" some SD cards in preparation for my return to 箕面。these images were along the takimichi (path to the waterfall) to the Minoo Taki (Minoh waterfall). it won't be as green when i return but i hope to be sitting in front of this waterfall within the week eating some takoyaki and drinking some Gogo tea while counting my blessings and saying a prayer for those in need.