"...but those expecting to beat June gloom entirely maybe be let down. despite the heat, some beachgoers said they were disappointed by the marine layer that hugged the coast into thursday afternoon." that was from today's front page of my local paper the Daily Breeze. and that was about yesterday. in yesterday's blog entry i wrote that it was a beautiful day and no June gloom. well, as you can see from these two photos, i was wrong. but, it was mainly over the beach area.

my walk to the market took about. . . 6 hours. i walked up the hill behind where i live to my favorite street to walk on, and then back down and over to Malaga Cove hoping to see some wild peacocks, and then back up another hill where David Benoit lived (i think i heard from someone that he and his wife Kei had a new bigger and better house built somewhere in the same beautiful neighborhood) which over looks the ocean, back down the hill to the beach, back up the hill, thru another botanical-garden-like neighborhood to my grocery store and then back home. but before going home and with my backpack full of groceries i walked passed the entrance to my apartment complex to the next street down interestingly called Ocean to take some sunflowers photos that i knew would be backlit by the sun. as you can see the sky was a beautiful blue and i found these clouds most interesting and photogenic. it was these clouds which altered my walk around 10am to the beach and market as i decided to get "closer" to them by walking up the hill which is kind of between me and the beach. kind of.

this photo kind of shows my journey to my market. (without the cool clouds and cooler June gloom).

i found this passion flower growing wild(ly) somewhere on my walk back down one of the hills...luckily i was a little lost or i would have never found this exquisite beauty.

as you can see the June gloom did finally disappear

beating the high cost of gas

almost home
