not sure how this little montage will turn out. all three photos were taken around noon today from the same spot in Rocketship Park on the hill above where i live. the first photo is looking toward the ocean. you can see the horizon but no ocean, only the whiteness of the thick, cool marine layer (JUNE GLOOM). the second photo is looking north in the direction of downtown LA or perhaps more toward the Hollywood Hills. you can see there really is blue sky under all the white-ness. and finally, the third photo is looking east and that beautiful blue sky which is above the swimming pool where i live and is the same blue sky i can usually see when i look out from my computer... in the daytime.

this photo was also taken today on the hill in Rocketship Park. clouds above the telephone wire were coming from the ocean and seemed to almost disappear as they reached the top of the hill. and once again the blue sky below the telephone wire is the blue sky that i could see at my place before i started traveling west toward the ocean. it probably takes less the 5 minutes to go from summer's blue sky to winter's grayness on days when we have June Gloom.

i drove down the hill and to the beach where i strapped on my rollerskates and skated north to Marina del Rey. i arrived an hour early to see Unkle Monkey so i continued on the MDR Visitor's information center. i picked up some new maps, concert schedules and bus timetables. the 33rd annual MDR Boat Show was going so i skated to Burton Chace Park to see if i can see any interesting boats. i was interested but i was not $10 interested to go into the boat show. from there i skated to a nearby grocery store and bought some sushi for lunch. and skated back to Fisherman's Village just in time to hear Unkle Monkey last sound check.
apparently two of the band member's were hung up in traffic but 3/5 of UM started on time at 2pm. the first song was a Jimmy Buffett tune, "changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes" and was dedicated to Zac Sunderland, the 16 year old who was starting out on his solo around the world adventure from Marina del Rey around 1pm. i had just missed seeing the young Zac start his world tour from Burton Chace Park... so that is why the news vans were there. i thought it was just for the boat show. Zac is attempting to become the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe alone. oh, to be young again. がんばって!

the above photo is Unkle Monkey (or 4/5 Unkle Monkey as you cannot see the drummer). the leader is Steve Stafford who is singing and playing acoustic guitar.
all the musicians were as they say in the UK... brilliant...
すばらしい in Japanese.