perhaps it is as it as it looks . . . yeah, right.
it was gray and bit foggy at the beach this morning but nice and sunny at El Retiro Park for the last concert sponsored by the city of Torrance. after my walk and after watching the Jets beat the Dolphins and after i set the vcr to tape the US Open semi-final part 2, i put my flip flops on, put some beach towels in my backpack and walked to the park. there was already a nice crowd there when i arrived around 2pm. the band was the Rincon Ramblers from up around Ventura County. they were a very entertaining bluegrass band played some old standards as well as a couple of gospel tunes with a bluegrass sound. my world-traveller music loving friend Wayne was there also with a few of his friends.

the kids had plenty of fun.

the tug-of-war winners

concert in the sunshine, no shoes, no worries

Wayne with his new pop tab bracelet

i had never seen this before. tomorrow i will show you how it works/plays.

sunday in the park