it took awhile but i finally decided on a pair of Saucony running (walking) shoes. i walked to the sporting goods store in my old shoes and back in my new ones. before walking back i walked to another nearby store and bought a few pair of walking/swimming shorts. and a new pair of flip flops. i had told myself i wasn't going to buy any new clothes until i got into better (thinner) shape but i do not plan to wear pants until i go back to work so i really needed some new shorts. not that i didn't already know it, but doing errands takes longer when you have to walk. yes, i could have taken the bus down to these shops, but i do need the exercise. i had thought about going to the beach again but i am still a little tired and sore from yesterday's long walk and swim. i took a photo when i returned from my walk around 4pm looking west to the beach and i think the marine layer (pink arrows pointing to the thick white clouds, not there is anything wrong with pink arrows) has arrived again so no beach day for me today. maybe tomorrow if i am not too busy.

i will try out my new flip flops and walk to the market. and that will be the highlight of the second day of my vacation. oh, an earlier highlight was my friend Mike calling from Holiday. we still have some catching up to do. he told me about his transfer to Charlotte in October (i am sure we will have another conversation about that "decision"). and i told him about my big decision to stop drinking Dr. Pepper and then i saw this on my walk . . .

this morning on the Tom Morton Show, Tom played EBTG's "Missing". even though i have heard this song many times, i never heard the cowbell played so prominently. and hearing that reminded me of the above video from Saturday Night Live. Tom has talked about this video before and i told him about this t-shirt that i took a photo of in Venice Beach. as you see, it's all connected.