actually this was a good hour before the sunrise. yesterday was the first day of the new year that it was clear from early morning. and today looks like it will be a sunny day as well.
i am hoping to get many things done today or at least continue on the things i have started. i don't think i will ever get as organized as i want but i will definitely make some progress today... if not today, tomorrow. or the next day.

Steve's van. this is a photo from yesterday's blue sky day.

i took this photo to remind me of a photo i did not take. two days ago, i was sitting at my computer looking out the window when i noticed a hummingbird looking in at me. i wanted to take a photo and video of him but didn't want to scare him away. i think he thought the christmas ornament was a flower as he was hovering around it for what seemed like 5 minutes. another thing to do today. . . get a hummingbird feeder.

First Tanpopo (dandelion) of the new year