Storm Watch 2009 means winter may have arrived in LA. now where is my umbrella so i can go take some photos in the rain.
here are some rainy day photos from Minoo and Kyoto (guess which one is from Kyoto) last november.

watch the dolphins "surf" and then dive back over the wave (left side of the video).
just got home from a nice walk to the beach. and along the beach. and in the ocean. no rain but there were some . . . dolphins. hopefully you can see them "surfing" in the little video above. i took a little break in the "dog park" which overlooks the ocean and met a couple of Japanese housewives with their small children. they were from Tokyo. from there back to the beach as i saw about 6 or 7 dolphins passing close to the shore. and then back to Trader Joe's for some groceries. it will be a brown rice California sushi, miso soup and tofu night for me. as i started to walk home the bus was approaching the bus stop so i jumped on. good timing.

dandelions/tanpopo/たんぽぽ on the way to the beach

i think it is a California poppy but i am not sure why it is not the usual bright orange... and not sure why it is blooming in mid-january

the view from the end of the bike path

looking north

looking south (and west)

that green on gray day