this is me so far . . . and this is me with so far to go
Friday, May 15, 2009
"clear is clear"
apparently "clear is not clear". finally Noriko and i went to the Canon Service Center in Umeda this afternoon. we talked with a very nice Canon representative about my camera for about an hour and half. i learned a couple of new things about my camera. the most important thing i found out was that using the "automatic" modes on my camera will not give a clear image as the image is factory-set to be "standard" which to me is . . . not clear. it is little hard to explain but i feel a little better knowing it is not all user-error. this photo was taken next the Canon building.
indoor ajisai (hydrangea)
cherries? yes, that is one box of 40 for about $125. i think they are from Yamagata.
and delicious soba (noodles) for dinner at the Sanbangai under the Hankyu train station