i almost forgot about the yosakoi dancers from about a week ago. you need to see the video but here is one photo that this group was kind enough to pose with Tony. their performance was very moving...wait for the video.
i am on my way to Kobe. more tonite. and i think my little sister and her husband and their dogs are on their way to . . . France via Germany from San Francisco. bon voyage! safe travels!

here`s a couple of photos from my trip to see Misa and Daigo in Suma. (Kobe). they were surprised and happy to see me. and that is always a nice thing.
Misa-chan and i walking to catch the "pool bus"

Daigo at his swimming lessons. actually they were doing their warm-up exercises. oh, Daigo is the one in the blue swimming suit.
Misa and Daigo climbing up the slide
the view from the `pool bus` on the ride home
Daigo and Papa saying `bye bye` at the train station