firefly, lightning bug, hotaru 蛍, luciole
8pm ______________________________________________
you would think a concert on the sand listening to the wonderful singer Michael Sullivan and his band around sunset would be a good thing. you would think. he was good. the crowd was ... too too many "young" people. am i getting old? does that sound too negative? the thought, "and they are the future of America" actually crossed my mind a few times. Michael played about 5 or 6 songs. i couldn't see him until i left my teenage-claustrophobic place in the sand. his saxman was great (same as from the Manhattan Beach gig last month). the next band was called Rebelution . . . i think that is why the hundreds of teens and 20-somethings were there. it took me awhile to get back to Pier Ave as more and more people were still slowly making there way to the beach at 7pm.

my bus to Hermosa Beach. notice anything different about it?

looks can be deceiving. not my surfboards, or volleyball or towel. i squeezed inside a retaining rope near the front of the sand stage. however by the time the concert started i could not see the stage or musicians because of hundreds of people in front of me. and on my right there were also hundreds of people ("young" people not at all interested in the music).

i arrived around 500p. if it looks crowded then, it got a hundred times more crowded. the ocean is behind me. and actually the crowd goes and goes and goes to the right of where i was standing.

Michael and his band in front of the Hermosa Beach Lifeguard Station. (hundreds and hundreds of people are behind me)

Michael Sullivan "peace out Hermosa" (ok, he didn't really say that).

you never know what you will see while waiting for a bus.