and speaking of lunch (and i was to myself) "oishisoo" and "oishikatta"

waiting in line after a day and night of jazz music in Takatsuki
tony taking a break. since the tsutsuji (azalea) are in full bloom, it must be May. and if it was May, you know where i was and why i was there.
while waiting in line to see Fried Pride, i noticed this cautious fellow jazz enthusiast. and what did i notice?
one of my favorite songs, Pat Metheny's Long Train Home. of course, this is not Pat Metheny and the main intrument is not a guitar but this guy whose name i have misplaced (in my mind) is an excellent saxophonist. unfortunately, my battery was running low and i only recorded the first part of the song.
*late afternoon update. the above saxman is Mitsuhiro Furuya. thanks, Noriko.