later is now and now is just about midnite. and it has been a long but nice sunday. it started with my making pumpkin pancakes. and then my walk and train to Takarazuka. and then the singers, the cherry blossoms, and Tiger and Akemi and more dogs at Dog Run-Do. after returning home around 6pm and helping Noriko with her Father we finally left for dinner around 730p. tonite`s
dinner was at Ichiban Curry. very good. from there it was a short walk to Carrefour (Aeon) for a few groceries. and then home by 9pm. it was Noriko`s Father time again. i think i took my ofuro (bath) after 11pm. now it is time for bed. here is the two cute singers whose names i can`t remember but i think videotaped a few minutes of them so they might have said there name.
also, as promised early . . . Tiger the Chow. and tony and (not "the") Tiger.
Tiger he belongs to a nice woman named Akemi i met walking along the Hana Michi. she was walking with a friend from Shikoku who was returning home by train and highway bus to Kagawa. the 3 (5 if you count Tiger and tony) of us walked back to the Hankyu Takarazuka Station together.
tony and Tiger