birthday flowers from an old friend

Tony, Niji, Tori, Kobukuro birthday cookies and . . . that laughing cow. (birthday cake is in the box)
it is a slow start to a rainy cool April First. looking back at my blog from last April 1st, i went for a walk with Noriko`s Father. and Noriko and i went to see the wonderful movie Okuribito. two years ago, i went to see the cherry blossoms at Osaka-jo (castle).
here are some photos from yesterday. oh, はずかしい(shy) Noriko has asked me not to put her photo is my blog but i will send you one if you want to see the birthday girl at lunch, dinner, with her birthday cake and a couple of birthday presents including the . . . laughing cow.

Noriko also wondered what i was taking a photo of. hopefully you will able to see what i was saw in the photo at the bottom.

fallen but not forgotten

Minoo (Minoh, Mino) manhole

yesterday`s model