a few photos from a few days in T e x a s

(from today)

more purple, more raindrops at The Carioca
home again. flight on time. i had my own row again. nothing like a whole row, dr. pepper and peanuts. the flight was just under three hours. after changing into shorts and a sweatshirt, i walked out to Sepulveda and Century and within 10 minutes, my ride arrived (the #8 bus). a light rain was falling but now it is just cloudy with slices of blue sky. i had a nice surprise waiting for me in my mailbox . . . a Valentine package for Tony and i from N, T and N. there are many photos to add from my trip to Texas but the first (above) one is from today around 2pm.

more purple, more raindrops at The Carioca
home again. flight on time. i had my own row again. nothing like a whole row, dr. pepper and peanuts. the flight was just under three hours. after changing into shorts and a sweatshirt, i walked out to Sepulveda and Century and within 10 minutes, my ride arrived (the #8 bus). a light rain was falling but now it is just cloudy with slices of blue sky. i had a nice surprise waiting for me in my mailbox . . . a Valentine package for Tony and i from N, T and N. there are many photos to add from my trip to Texas but the first (above) one is from today around 2pm.
715am light drizzle. Makudo for last sausage biscuit. flt 2197, SAT to LAX on SWA. hopefully home in the early afternoon. big thanks to my Mother and Beau for all they did for me while visiting my hometown for the first time since 2009.