it was blooming when i left for the gym. and then gone when i returned from the gym a few hours later. who is the iris thief?

hmmm, monday afternoon . . . long workout at the gym . . . naptime by the pool. for some reason i was thinking (before i fell asleep) about a comedian who when asked about being more motivated, more successful, he said "it would really cut into my sitting around, laying by the pool time". i know that feeling.

perhaps, maybe the last two petunias still blooming from last May. i broke the stem the other day and scotch-taped (right above the rock used to hold up the stem) it together. so far, so good.

Petunia at rest. i stopped by Christine's after the gym. we had not talked much since my return a week ago so it was nice catching up today. Petunia napped thru the whole conversation.
i almost forgot these two photos (yes, there is more than two) from the conservatory gardens at the Bellagio Casino in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago. if you remember i missed the Chinese New Year's garden last year due to helping out a co-worker and working their flight back to Philly only to have the flight cancel which caused me to miss my trip to Las Vegas. it all worked out but i didn't make it to Las Vegas before they changed the garden. anyways, this the Year of Usagi (Rabbit).