that was one of the topics of conversation on today's Tom Morton Show on the BBC Scotland. which is which and which do we call which. thinking back to my childhood, i think supper was our everyday evening meal. dinner was more formal or for special occasions such as Sunday dinner, Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas dinner. we never did "tea" in south Texas but we drank a lot of it, sweet tea that is. i did learn from Tom's show that those in the United Kingdom have many different versions of what we (i) always called "tea time". i thought it was always "tea with a dessert" sometime in the mid-afternoon. i learned that "tea" could be supper followed by dinner later in the evening. and don't get me (or them) started on "high tea". there was some good music today including a new Counting Crows song called "sunday" and the album of the week is by Bob's son Jakob. i heard the song on Clyde 1 on monday morning in Glasgow.
before i continue with more photos/videos from Scotland, here is one sweet smellin' foto from my walk to the market this morning. . . ALOHA