i had to look up that word too. a "kuma hula" is a hula master. the guy (who is truly in incredible shape)(not that there is anything wrong with that) is the Kuma Hula for a local halau (hula dance group) called Hula Halau o Keali'i o Nalani (try saying that three times in a row) here in West Los Angeles. his name is Keali'i Ceballos and of course, the guy singing is the wonderful million cd-selling singer and also hula dancer Keali'i Reichel. Keali'i the singer said he was grateful to have Keali'i the dancer as his friend. i liked that he said that. grateful, such a great word and feeling to have for someone. tonikaku, the first song i remember hearing of Keali'i Reichel is E O Mai (which is also name of the cd that the song is on and the cd i am listening to now). Tracy, Ryan and i were on our way to Oahu in october of 1997. the song was played on the inflight entertainment video featuring the beauty of the Hawaiian Islands and the songs of Keali'i Reichel. it was played in the Honolulu airport. it was played in shops and on the radio during our week in the land of Aloha. and if you know me well enough, you will remember who Tracy and Ryan were. and if you remember them, you will remember why we went to Hawaii. that was 10 years and another lifetime ago.
another lazy saturday but i did get a few things done. i walked to the market for some groceries but first stopped by and talked with Dan at the CVS "one minute clinic". Dan is the nurse who helped me with my bronchitis a couple of months ago. today i stopped by hoping he would be working to check my throat. he checked a few things and suggested . . . white bread and a big glass of water. and if the pain in my throat persists to see an Ear Nose and Throat specialist in a couple of days. after talking to him about the state of my airline and the possibility of me taking another leave i took my leave and walked to the dry cleaners to drop off my uniform pants. Dan also told me he didn't have to go to Iraq. i was glad to hear that. i am sure his family and friends are too. and then i walked to Ralph's for a backpack full of groceries. on the way home i stopped by Kathy's to see if Tony could give me a haircut. he did. now it is really short.
i took the bus around 5pm to the end of the beach and skated to Redondo Beach Pier to hear some live Cuban music. as i skated up, Wayne flagged me down. we stayed for a very entertaining hour until the band took a break. there were some very good dancers and a big crowd of Latin music enthusiasts. we walked to his car which was about a 15 minute walk from the beach. he drove me home for the second night in a row. i gave him the short cut directions thru the neighborhood where i normally do my long walks. he had never been thru these backstreets even though he has lived here for 70 or is it 80 of his 90 years.

watching Charangoa

5 or 6 palm trees in Veteran's Park