my favorite street. ok, one of my favorite streets. i have been walking on this street since i moved to this area in 1998. and this morning was no exception. i walked up Vista Montana to Via Las Tortugas and then a left turn and up another beautiful street called Calle de Arboles before taking a left on Via Colusa. there is a nice walkway/path/hiking/dog-walking trail which separates two neighborhoods and keeps the traffic to a minimum except for walkers, joggers and bikers who can pass thru an opening at the end of a dead-end street. i turn right on Via La Selva and start walking thru this botanical-garden of a street in the direction of the ocean. the word "la selva" in Spanish means forest or jungle, some type of land with lots of trees. Via la Selva is lined with trees, many trees, all kinds of trees especially eucalyptus. the tree in the photo above is the jacaranda with a few purple blossoms still in bloom.

flowers and more flowers 花 花 花

and peach trees too

surfboard for sale . . . $300 . . . brand new

"no body rides for free" or at least that is what it says on the back of the van

finally, the beach. June/July gloom starting to burn off.
time to walk home.

missing but not forgotten

Bonus Video
a hummingbird having sunday brunch