yes, it is. more on that and the Japan America Kite Festival later, or tomorrow.
here is master kite designer/builder 土岐幹男さん Mr. Mikio Toki and Tony. i talked to him (Toki-san not Tony) while he was flying his kite. he lives in Chiba. i know Chiba and have some good memories of my visits there to . . . Tokyo Disneyland, Kujukuri-hama (beach) and the Boso-hanto (penisula). i think Mr. Toki said he would be staying in the LA area for a few more days teaching children how to make kites. i believe he said he would be teaching around 600 kids. i enjoyed my 一期一会 ("ichi go ichi e") meeting. kind of like, "making the most of a chance encounter" meeting. i have been fortunate to have had a few of these chance meetings in my life. too many to remember, too special to forget.

Mr. Mikio Toki's kite

a beautiful day to to fly a kite

Mr. Toki's other kite.

竜 dragon

Toki Kimio

end of a nice day in Seal Beach . . . and then i had to take 3 buses to get back home. more tomorrow on the rest of the festival with some very colorful photos and videos especially of Ruben's kites. and more about meeting the president of the Japan America Society of Southern California. and about the connection between the BBC Scotland's Tom Morton Show on friday with Seal Beach.