- another note to self - don't do that again. now i have a new small problem on the ball of my right foot to go along with the blister on the heel of the same foot. it would have been a much slower walk home if i wouldn't have met Cherie at the beach and if she would not have offered to give me a ride home. by chance, Cherie is a flight attendant on a leave of absence but hers was not so voluntary as she is recovering from knee surgery. she was in the area (visiting her church and possibly knee doctor) and decided to take advantage of the summer-like day at the beach. thanks again to her kindness i didn't have to limp home.
here are a few photos from today:

colorful bus riders on the way to the gym...i was on my way to the gym, not sure where they were going

temptation while waiting for the bus after the gym . . . i waited for a turkey sandwich at home.

Calle Mayor Pumpkins

perhaps from Jonathan

Father and Son on a 80f day at the beach in mid-to-late October

the old man, the sea and a long board . . . it could be a Hemingway sequel

that green i love