what are you looking at?

a new favorite of mine

sticky shadows

sweet smell of sunday sunshine

bloom #4. #5 on the way

sunday morning self-portrait in shadows

could this be a Tampa Bay reference? yes and no . . .the Rays are going to their first World Series!!!
my saturday adventure to the beach by bus and walking and then to Santa Monica Pier by rollerskates:

watching the clouds waiting for the bus

non-denominational, just the way it should be

crossing Catalina Avenue on the way to Redondo Beach

blister update, still there

Killer (with the hat and sunglasses) and Baby (in the stroller) at Hermosa Beach

blonde, tanned surfer girl . . . green, beautiful waves at Manhattan Beach

surfer boy but not on a surfboard. he was skimboarding.

Manhattan Beach beach volleyball tournament

Manhattan Beach Halloween beach volleyball get-together

the lone paddle surfer at El Segundo

Marina Del Rey kayaker and sailboater

Venice Beach canal bridges

looking for lunch. i saw him catch five fish (he was 5 for 5).

Venice Beach canals walkway

Venice Beach canal cat

Venice Beach street performer

she really had a good voice, nice smile and interesting look

just passed Venice Beach on the way to Santa Monica pier

he actually swung from end to end and back.


i will stick to walking and rollerskating. she made it to the top three times.

no, not Piazza San Marco. possibly Piazza Santa Monica

yes, that was a fire in the distant Santa Monica mountains

looking north from Santa Monica pier (fire is out)

Santa Monica pier lamp post ( liked the shadow)

new ferris wheel at Santa Monica pier (old one sold on ebay)

upclose and personal

the sound, the color of the ocean

sleepy brothers on the bus ride from Santa Monica to LAX transportation center

not the real Lester . . . Lester is pitching tonite in game 7 in St. Pete

home again, just in time for the 2nd inning of the Red Sox/Rays game 6