i did talk with my little sister again (different "again") yesterday afternoon just after returning from my walk to the beach...i mean my walk to Del Amo Shopping Mall and back. i think her and her husband are off to chop down a Christmas tree this weekend. i did buy a couple of gifts for the end-of-the-year-gift-giving season which coincidently coincides with Christmas. and although Christmas isn't like it used to be for me due to iroiro, i still enjoy this time of year. in fact i would say i enjoy winter almost as much as . . . spring, summer and fall. i guess living in southern California for almost 20 years where the difference in clothing for me is in summer i wear shorts, t-shirt and flip flops. in winter, i wear shorts, t-shirt and flip flops but i may also put on a sweatshirt over my t-shirt if it is really reallycold.
well, that gray sky to the east is now blue so i will go for a little walk to the beach
before the big winter storm hits. and i need to buy some hot chocolate for when the big winter storm arrives. the wind seems to have just picked up so i will put on my Canada (Roots) sweatshirt and try and brave the winter storm.
just got back from my walk to the beach. walk along the beach. many photos of this and that. i did not plan to be gone for over 5 hours but . . . that is my life.
and speaking of my life, the title of today's blog has a third meaning. and it too has a happy ending. i do not know who he or she was but "thank you". i am such a lucky person. and coincidently there was a story about a similar "good deed" on today's Vinyl Cafe this morning which i had just listened to again while walking at the beach. more on all that later. time for a late lunch/early dinner. oh, it is already 615pm. time for dinner.

Winter Storm casaulty #1

Winter Storm casualty #2

yes, he is connected to something . . . a big kite. there were about 20 kiteboarders out surfing these "winter storm" waves.

now you can see the surfer and his kite

same day, same time, same place as the photos above but looking south instead of north

looks like a nice day for a swim . . . but it was cold because of the strong wind coming from the ocean. big churning waves. good for the kiteboarders. very few people out walking on the beach.

i try to leave and they pull me back in. the "they" is something interesting to take a photo of. as i was leaving the beach, i saw these interesting lines in the sand. it was while taking photos and videos of the these sand lines that i . . . dropped my camera. it was very windy and i am really not sure how i dropped it but it fell lens first into the sand. let's just say, it doesn't work the same as before dropping it. this is the same camera that was submerged underwater while taking photos of the waves but kept working. i may be looking for a new one tomorrow or for sure on monday before leaving for Philadelphia on tuesday afternoon.

snow globe with sunlight