it is a cold but sunny (always?) day here in Philadelphia. i just returned from the airport where i heard some good Holiday music by the Arcness Hanukkah Trio while eating Chinese food after "picking up" a 2-day trip for tomorrow. if all goes well, i should be walking around San Diego on monday afternoon looking for something to take a photo of and hoping to hear some "live music" somewhere. i will return to Philly on tuesday night and back to the "commuter" hotel here in Chester. and then on wednesday (the 24th), i will start my Christmas 4-day trip. all that as always is subject to change due to Mother Nature. if all continues to go as planned i should be sightseeing in Manhattan on Christmas day and then home on the 26th. and then again on the 27th thru . . . March. last night, the management of the Days Inn hotel here in Chester threw a Holiday party for employees and "crew members". good food. all that was needed was some music.