short walk today, gray lazy day today, watch football, get more organized today, perhaps a nap today. i did take a few photos on my walk to and from the grocery store this morning. i may walk to the beach for sunset if it looks like the sun will make an appearance before setting.

i do like finding and taking photos of tanpopo (dandelion)

this reindeer seems to have a little tude ... whatever!

not sure if you can tell, but the christmas tree is on top of the car.

risu no shippo りすのしっぽ

must have been earlier this week as there is not enough sun today to illuminate a rose.

not such an exceptional christmas photo but i took this while skating last night in Hermosa Beach. i think this was only my second time in 20 years to skate at night. it was fun as there are very few people on the bike/skating/walking path at night. but, there is that possibility of falling due to not being able to see big cracks in the sidewalk. and my skates tend to hydroplane if there is water (not a big problem if i can see the water, could be a big problem if i can't) on the slick bikepath. no problems last night.

vintage early 80's skateboard. i met this "cool" skateboarder on the bus last night. he asked if my skates were "vintage". and i of course asked him, did you break your arm skateboarding. no. as a matter of fact he was walking underneath a highway overpass (or is it underpass?) and a piece of glass fell (from somewhere) and cut the tendon to his index finger. so, he had to have surgery to repair the tendon. be careful walking under a highway.

i think this was thursday night in the christmasy-lights neighborhood.

this one was added for my little sister who asked for some advice in taking a photo of "rushing water". somewhere along the stream that flows from the Minoo waterfall is where i took this photo (but where the water comes from for the waterfall is still a secret).