and why am i sore? i worked out with or shall i say a "personal trainer" worked me me out this morning at the gym. mainly we did ab work after some bench-stepping with weights, jogging in place and some push-ups but all that was . . . more than enough for this something-something year-old out of (but slowly getting back into) shape body. hopefully i will make it back to the gym tomorrow morning. as for Clovis, the personal trainer, i would highly recommend him to anyone looking to get back into shape, or anyone looking to learn or improve their judo or self-defense skill, or anyone wanting to learn French. oh, it was the 1992 Barcelona Olympics that he participated in as a member of the French judo team or was it the Ivory Coast judo team.

not as easy as it looks. i found these tsuyukusa buds on my way home from the gym. and yes, that is Tony's shadow.
time for Game 2.