the first part of the day was the same. walk to bus stop but first take photos of morning glories and roses on the way. and then look for the moon. catch the 715a bus. workout for about 3 hours. and then things become a little more interesting and colorful when i stopped by the Farmer's Market in Wilson Park. more on that with photos and videos later. hopefully i can find a photo i took of Shinagawa Hisao from about 10 years ago. at that time i didn't know who he was but i met him today and hope to see him next tuesday. hmmm? and then near my home i was chased by a butterfly. but it was the key in my mailbox that really made my day. the key is used to open up a bigger mailbox where a small package was waiting. you will have to wait to find out what was inside. luckily by chance i found the Twins/Tigers game on and enjoyed the last 11 innings while doing laundry, having an early dinner and reading the instructions to my new . . .
asagao and bara . . . morning glories and roses 7am . . . do you know where your moon is? i'll take inspiration wherever i can find it
more inspiration . . . あきらめない!
fresh flowers at the Farmer's Market
tony wearing an autumn kimono