good intentions again gone awry. i should be at the beach as the sun is shining, the sky is cloudless and blue and the temperature is just about 80F. i stayed home from the gym this morning to do my "bids" for my december work schedule as well as finish my 2010 vacation rebids as well as check on next year's benefit options but . . . and i
needed to finish watching
Gran Torino (from Netflix). and i
needed to get a snack (and Dr. Pepper) to eat while watching the movie while doing my "bids" so . . . i walked to Walgreens (less than 5 minutes away). now, it is 4 hours later and still no "bids" done. so what happened? i
needed to take a few photos which lead to a few more and etc., etc., etc. now is going on 230p. i did finish the movie and it is on it's way back to wherever Netflix is located. good movie. time for lunch and then i will start and hopefully finish my "bids" before and/or during the Angels/Yankees game. here are a few highlites from my 5 minute walk.