from Minoo to Juso to Sannomiya to Motomachi to Amagasaki to Nishinomiya to Mukogawa to Umeda to Ishibashi and finally back to Minoo . . . now, i forgot what i was going to tell you. oh yeah, i had a very nice, very interesting last day (not including tomorrow which i will have twice on my way back home). first i met Noriko`s Aunt in Sannomiya (Kobe) to give her back her "cart" which she left her last saturday. i was probably the youngest person on the bus and train carrying one of these "carts" used to carry groceries from the market (no, not an American-style shopping cart). my goal after that task was accomplised was to meet a real "Human Treasure" in Mukogawa but first i decided to walk around Kobe for a little shopping and of course, to take photos. it was a beautiful day and it is always fun to walk around the shopping streets and backstreets of Kobe as well as their Chinatown. i stayed longer than i intended which cut my visit with Takeshi-san short as i needed to be back in Minoo by 4pm to go with Noriko to see her Father and say "goodbye". more on that when i get home as well as my meeting with Nakajima-san and the Takeshi Family. and of course, my last delicious dinner. . . ごちそさま でした。

Nakajima-san: "ceci n`est pas un chapeau"

The Takeshi Family in front of the photo shop/studio

A Human Treasure and his daughter Mayuko-san (above not below)