it was a beautiful day for the Fiesta Hermosa. i took the bus up PCH getting off at the library to turn in an overdue book on Scotland . . . almost forgot about the Jazz on a Summer's Day in Edinburgh exactly one month ago, didn't you. that was a beautiful day also. from the library i walked to Hermosa Beach. lots of sun and that green color wave i like, lots of people, lots of arts and crafts, and lots of music.
a little bit of Castles Made of Sand by Jimi Hendrix channeled thru Dani Robinson of Stone Free Experience

let's just say i was very close to the stage, the speakers. i had to work a little to get this "sunstar" off the speaker and Jimi but i think it came out nicely. i took many many photos of this Jimi Hendrix tribute band. i remember seeing them a few years ago. never a big big fan of Jimi Hendrix (i like him but just don't know many of his songs nor do i own any of his albums or cds but i feel it's time to get one or two) but this guy, Dani Robinson can play the guitar and seems to sound like what i think of when i think of Jimi Hendrix. does that make sense? i had planned to leave around 5pm so i could walk back to the Redondo Beach Pier for their last concert of the summer featuring the Hula Monsters but this band was too entertaining to leave. the sun set on my way to Redondo Beach but i was able to see the last 30 minutes of the Hula Monsters.
here are a few more moments from this beautiful Labor Day Weekend saturday in southern california. more tomorrow with the sunset.

that green