thanks to a new friend for adding this new (to me) singer to my so far life . . .
Nightminds by Missy Higgins
where has the day gone?⌛ well, my broken Canon camera is on it's way back to Virginia (the state not a person). my un-used airline tickets to and/or from Japan are on their way back to Phoenix for a refund. my laundry and dishes have been done. ok, but not put away completely. i called Casio about my broken point-and-shoot camera but i think it is not under warranty. i went thru one box of maps and "stuff" from Japan and found where the Neko-dera (Cat Temple) is in Kyoto. and as i was organizing some cds . . . mainly looking for one specific one . . . there was suddenly a knock at the door. my oldest (longest-known) friend sent me the new Sam Baker cd "Cotton". a big thank you to her.

and as you can see the cosmos ☼ are still growing and there was another tsuyukusa bloom. two presents in one day, three if i include learning about the singer Missy Higgins. four if i count my good health. five if i count the nap i am about to take while listening to Sam. ♪

this is the original photo from yesterday taken with the old Polaroid digital using the "negative" application. it does look a little different than the one below ↓