not an SR-71. not even close!

did you hear that "boom boom"? where's my nuts?
on my long walk back from the gym i took a few photos with my little Polaroid digital camera.
i did some shopping on the way. first new shorts for working out and swimming from SportsMart. and then thru Del Amo Shopping Mall. i didn't buy anything but it was much cooler inside than outside. and then for some this and that at Target. from there back to Hawthorne Blvd. to Silvio's Cameras. i talked with a nice salesman who told me to bring in my Canon dslr and he can check on my lack of "clearness" in my photos. also, checked on the new Panasonic Lumix but they don't have the one i saw in Japan. and then finally three hours after leaving the gym, i made it home. it is now almost 630p and i have yet to have lunch. time for dinner.

strange clouds to the west while there was blue sky to the east.

my friend Mike recently told me he picked up a dvd from red box. it took me a few seconds to understand what he meant. this red box is new at the 7-11 (not new) on my walk home. and if you are wondering what that thing to the right of the red box, it is a . . . public telephone : )

i told the car salesman i would take it (the car) if it came in green. he said "really?" i said i cannot drive a yellow car with a red ballon attached. if the ballon was green . . .

i saw this sign before on my walk home and something about it bothers me . . . a chicken grilling a chicken?

no, i did not stop in for a burger. actually i have never been to this one or the one in Minoo. and don't call me "Big Boy".
guess what happens next to Otosan. i saw what happened first on my last visit to Japan.
Noriko and i were a little confused and then we saw this (part 2). of course, you may be confused by the whole concept of this SoftBank cm (commercial) but i like them.