Jacaranda (yesterday i showed some of their fallen petals).
today has started out like yesterday. sleep a couple of hours in the early morning after going to sleep at midnite, listen to music and fall back to sleep. it is gray and overcast again. just finished breakfast while watching the end of a new online Japanese drama called Kiina with another favorite actress, Miho Kanno. she plays a detective with a unique quirky different way of getting to the truth. i am thinking a cross between Columbo and Monk but much much cuter. now i will watch the second episode of Tobosha (Runaway) which is more of a thriller. . . alot of imagination suspension required but an entertaining drama. we all know he, Eguchi Yosuke (i remember him from 101st Marriage Proposal and that was many dramas ago) is innocent but detective Abe Hiroshi (loved him in Trick) is relentless. and why is he being framed. after this episode it may be time for a walk to the Farmer's Market at Redondo Beach Pier and maybe to the library. in the afternoon, i will continue with Bara no nai Hanaya with Yuko Terauchi. hopefully today or tomorrow, i will receive Ima, Ai ni Yukimasu in the mail from up north. notice, there was no "get organized" or "go to the gym" in my plan. maybe tomorrow. いつもまた明日。
i didn't make it to the Farmer's Market but i did have a nice long walk to and along the beach and back up to the library where i picked up a few more mystery dvds. as you can see the sun has returned. hopefully it will stay thru the weekend as the Palos Verdes Street Festival is on saturday and sunday.

a few seconds at the beach

thanks to Mark for Ima, Ai ni Yukimasu. thanks to Doug in Austin for helping me with my Apple problem.