still not happy with my camera that i bought in March. i have just deleted hundreds of photos i took in May in Japan because . . . they are just not clear, not sharp, not focused (to me). this is one of the better ones but still . . . i honestly do not feel like taking any more photos with this camera. maybe i will try to contact the Canon service center today. if you remember i went to the Canon service center in Osaka and was told my camera seems to be working fine. tonikaku, i am not complaining, it's just a wee bit frustrating not to be able to take as nice a photo as i did with my old Canon 35mm. more later. time for breakfast and another gray start to the day. and i will finish watching Ima, Ai ni Yukimasu. and i think i will get my haircut today. and "get organized". it rained again last night around 230am. and i know that because . . . i was awake at 230a and 445am and then again at 555am. yawnnnnnn. あくび。

箕面滝 Minoo Waterfall
oh, and i need to call Doug back. he is the nice Apple technician that helped me to transfer my iPhoto library to my external hard drive in order to free up tons of space on my iMac. it took a couple of hours and i fell asleep before i could call him back. it seems to have worked fine so now i need to delete all the photos in my iPhoto library but i want to make sure they are safe and secure in my external hard drive. he also suggested a second external hard drive so i may go check on that today. and it may be a teriyaki chicken day.