懐かし Natsukashi...is such a wonderful word. i don't think we have such a word in English. "nostalgia" is close to the meaning but not to the feeling. or at least not the feeling i get when i hear the word "natsukashi". or when the word "natsukashi" comes to mind. and that is the difference. to hear something, taste something, smell something, see something that brings back a happy or a sweet (possibly bittersweet) memory..."natsukashi". recently i was asked about the word. recently i wrote a little about my memories of Japan. and recently while watching the movie Ima, Ai ni Yukimasu (thanks again to Mark and another thank you for doing some research on my Canon camera problem), i thought about a little book that was made for me by a sweet young woman named Yukiko. she was an art student in Tokyo and she made a book for me called Sakura Story.
it was about us. it was about our meeting ... it was about saying goodbye. no one had ever made a book for me. i read Sakura Story again this morning. natsukashi. this old photo was in it. nastukashi. it was the last time we ever saw each other. natsukashi. where is she now? natsukashi.

(everything changes...i no longer wear orange socks)
i didn't make it to the Palos Verdes Street Fair as i changed my plans and went to the Carnevale in Venice Beach. it took me three buses but i arrived in time to hear/record/photograph some good music and interesting looking people (if you know Venice Beach, you know there are some very interesting people there). i had to leave before the costume contest and final band because of having to take three buses to get back home. i did hear some good Latin/Brazilian music complete with a couple of samba dancers. and some Reggae music. some rock. some blues. and finally, The Bonedaddys. here is a sample of their music.