after a little nap i took the Gatwick Express into Victoria Station on monday morning. i walked to and thru the very beautiful green and flower-ful Hyde Park. eventually i had lunch by The Fountains in the brilliant sunshine. from there i somehow made my way to Covent Garden where i heard some very entertaining street musicians/buskers. the main touristy area of Covent Garden reminded my of Faneuil Hall in Boston. from there i made my way back to the River Thames and crossed over the Waterloo Bridge. i found a wonderful guitar player in front of the National Theatre. i also found out there was a free concert in the foyer of the NT at 545p. the singer/pianist/harmonica-ist's name was Michael Storey. he was wonderful and played for about an hour and half before the curtain went up on a play being performed at the NT. i got caught in the rain without an umbrella but managed a few photos of the London Eye, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey before heading back to Victoria Station and returning to the hotel at Gatwick. and then late night on BBC 4 i watched the last few minutes of a documentary of a London indie band called One eskimO. i had never heard of them but really liked their sound. this is the promotional video of their song Hometime. enjoy. more photos and videos later.

The Fountains. looks like a nice place for lunch. and it was on monday.

Daniel on guitar in front of the National Theatre

very important words to live by

Tony (Kaku) in London sitting beside the Thames in the rain

London Eye (of the storm)

aboveground here
Convent Garden classical buskers