the goodmorning sun shining in my front window. . . kind of like living in a treehouse. thanks to the internet world, i learned of a new singer (new to me) today. thank you, Y-chan.

somebody's birthday (casio compact camera and photoshop)

singer for The Kingston 13 at Carnevale in Venice Beach yesterday (canon dslr)
some clouds have returned but soon i will be making my way to the bus stop to catch the 444 up to the Palos Verdes Street Fair. One World at noon and Pretzel Logic at 230p. more than likely the clouds and cool weather will return in the afternoon so i will probably take the 516p bus back down the hill.

Tony meets Killer at the PV Street Fair (casio)

ultimate accessory (casio)
a couple minutes of Hey Nineteen by Steely Dan in 1980 but today by Pretzel Logic
a couple minutes of Aja by Steely Dan in 1977 but today by Pretzel Logic and Mother Nature (those clouds i mentioned earlier arrived around 4pm and i wish i would have brought my Canada sweatshirt).