Tuesday, December 22, 2009

brrrrr it's cold here in SFO

i am colder now after walking around in San Francisco until midnite then i was walking in the snow around Chester, PA. but, i did take some nice christmas illumination photos. and i saw some trolley cars and heard a possibly homeless man playing "silent night" on a trumpet on a corner near Union Square. i am still trying to forget about losing yet another camera today in the snow. so, that is one camera in the ocean and one in the snow this year. and one at the beach (and one on the airplane two years ago). i will definately put "not losing cameras" on my new year's resolution(s) list. when i get back to Chester on friday morning i will look again for my camera as the snow should have melted. but, i am not holding my breath that it will turn up. i think someone in Chester will have a nice christmas present. time to get some hot chocolate.